Victory - http://harismibrahim.wordpress.com/2008/07/06/jangan-lupa-kena-ingat-rakyat-bersatu-takkan-kalah/
To tell you the truth, I was very much pleasantly surprised and humbled by this. The stunning
accounts of the rise of the Malaysian people taking to the streets in one act of peaceful protest
is awe inspiring. What's even greater was the fact that the powers that be were warily keeping
their distance from making any act of unnecessary violence. I guess all of us, those who have prayed, has their prayers answered in full. The power of God is upon all us in Malaysia. He definitely stopped evil in it's tracks.
But by no means this would be the last victory the rakyat will have. For definitely change is
now nearing to it's genesis. Look at America... it would seem that the traditional corruption
of lobbyist politics is now consigned to the chopping block with Obama. Although it's just my
optimist point of view but one has to notice the feeling in this here times; the fact something big
and grand is about to happen. The fact that this could be the defining moment in history itself.
But for all this, one must not look towards human leaders as a kind of demi-god that would make
fast reforms and changes. We are all prone to erroneous fallacy and corruption. To have everyonelook to God (the leaders as well) for a source of incorruptible wisdom is the only way. It may seen naively deistic but to me that is the only way. If humans can be corrupt... is it right for us to put total trust in them in the first place.
To all believers in Christ, keep our freedom fighters in prayer. They definitely need it.
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