It’s been something that in my mind for a very long time... Recent events in this here country has very much strengthened this. The notion of the masses being held sway to the movement and the party at the expense of plain common sense is something as old as human fallacy itself. We place our faiths in the party and the men in office, hoping in their hands the rules of class and destiny might be reversed, only to have these dreams crushed blatantly in compromise after compromise. We could have learned, through the passages of human history that the individual man would progress into a being capable of individual though and discernment. Not so, for it would seem time after time we make the same mistake again. The mistake of blind faith towards mere mortals capable of turning to the bad, a mistake all to human in all of us.
Mind you this is not piece I write now in frustration. I cannot really say the recent defeat in Pulau Pinang could attributed to electoral conspiracy or whatnot. But here I give you my earnest take on the general idea of the cult of personality. We pride ourselves in being a democratic nation, of every individual exercising their liberal right in actually having a brain in making the choices that matter. We may pride ourselves in being socialist or conservative. But what are the motives for our beliefs? Does it hit a raw nerve in our psyche or are we simply mesmerized by a leader that oozes populist charisma? In this carries a greater responsibility. We chant the slogans and carry the banners not for the sake in looking fashionably radical but to serve of the greater purpose in bridging the divide between class and individual. It is all a collective effort in which even the party leader could not idly watch by the sidelines. I dare ask them this, if you are for a legit democracy, why are you not out there making a difference?
No political party, be left or right, mainline or opposition have a full say to the matters in the heart. In the core of it every moment desires the better life for every individual. It would only take feeble minded PR people to use populist sentiments such as race and religion to stir up a reaction which would only be detrimental to what is considered positive progress. It is simply another low method of propaganda in which the powers that be in the medieval ages controlled their serfs. The method of divide and conquer which would only fester into cancerous xenophobia. In this, it is wise to read between the lines and know what is concocted and what the plain truth is. What is printed might not be necessarily the full story.
I urge you all now to break off with the nonsense that is partisan tribalism. We would all be clamoring in issues that come time to time, briefly united to fight the common foe. We may also speak of revolutions and change. But where is the resolution? Let it be known that the real players in this system are US, the Rakyat! We do not bow to a political party’s statements and aims or even their covert agendas. This is what constitutes to be the truest form of democracy, where one would be able to make up their minds and voice their agreements or grievances. Yes. We have our idols and leaders. But they too are human. To elevate them to a godlike status is nothing short of a great overstatement. They are here for a time and season. But what matters most is the fundamental aims of fairness, equality and justice amongst all. It is not just something us South East Asians are seeking , but the fundamental right of all.
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