Monday, October 19, 2009

A Note of Encouragement to All

I know things are looking dismal, particularly in the political scene in this here shores.
But I urge you all to be optimistic and move on to the next objective. We are done crying over the spilt milk. We have bickered far too often for our own good. The fight against justice and hatred is still in the air. Let us all fix our eyes to the greater prize.
We can look at the defeat at Bagan Pinang as a bitter pill to be taken. Do not underestimate the tactics of BN. Theirs is an well oiled machine that cynically appeases the populist sentiment. We know dammed well they themselves are only capable in just name checking the crucial issues without actually doing anything in the long run. In this, Pakatan needs to avail themselves in being hands on. No pussy-footing the issue. We want action now!

This also goes to show it is also up to us the voter to take note in what is happening in the world outside. I know you all are discouraged. You should know better not to; for true power lies not at the hands of elected officials. Here is the role of democracy that we are simply ignorant about. It is not, by right of culture, privy to those living in the first world countries; But a general right to all to voice their collective grievances. That is what constitutes to be a working efficient democracy, this privilege we call THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

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