And I count to ye the value I have to myself,
the sheer weakness aplenty,
to what left do I have to boast?
And to what can all the politics of snakes can do?
the twitching of heads to Readers Digest asininity,
here's to the poison that is the organization of insipid religion.
What is there to save you? What is there left of any relevance?
The sheer vast emptiness of thousand bars and a million streets,
The naked scream for a better life amidst the deafening madness,
Sorry are the masses that stand dead in their eyes.
To think the houses of the holy were there to comfort,
Enter now in this festering den of a million barking dogs.
Men who profess to be upright in their eyes,
Treatises of theology and sociology from their mouth's they begat,
Where is now the mention of the Lamb that would solve it all?
To you all, I spout forth the nonsense that bears no relevance,
to what God could do to your lives?
surely the work of my sweat could water the seeds of my worry?
How long...How long....
To what possible merit could you say to all your trouble?
The sweat of my own labor? Are you seriously fooling yourself?!
For here now is the symptom of the world,
the fruits of supreme human logic!
the sheer hypocrisy of their pig headed politicking!
I marvel now at the sheer blunder of your arrogant intellect!
The mere insinuation of academics and experience,
the combination merits nothing but the strife in your hearts!
How long will you all sit and be blind?
How long would you suffer in your dead end torments?
To what else could compare to the hipness of your status?
Shaky pedestals that destine to crumble to your own weight!
See now the collapse of all your personal religions.
For what matters now but of the sheer majesty of the Christ,
the missing link to all things unattainable,
can you all see the catalyst that you have just missed?
Wake up! For you shall know that you are loved!
The unspeakable absolutes in the manifestation of His own blood,
Dead are the ailments that bound you prisoner to your personal pains!
For you all talk of a release..... Here now is your release!
Blessed are ye, my dear friends... for the condemnations of sins
are the agenda that's been already paid,
the land hung to dry to the bitterness to human injustice,
behold now the ruse that smashed the evil one's grip!
Look now the overflow of His bread,
Look now the overflow of the blessings!
For once we all lacked in the comfort of our wretchedness,
No longer now! For entereth now the Kings of Kings!
Entereth now are we into this anointed Hill of Zion!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
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