1. (The Rejected)
Cold solitude amidst the the presence of millions,
The look in the high handed sneers said it all.
Never was the dammed human to the whole lot of you
You posturing inspired me nothing but a blackened hate.
And to my dying days I shall spit at you all....
And to the depths of hell I scream vengeance in the black,
Weep not... for I am already one with all the dead,
Forget about putting flowers in my grave...
for the boy that you once knew no longer dwells with you all!
Every face of the past like the ghost that dares me,
Arrogant fucks of privileged upbringing!
Are they the least bit satisfied with the subdivision of the weak?
For here now my mind resides like a bullet in a revolver,
the mental steeling to bring me up from the mire.
To those that say nay, I'm sorry to disappoint you all!
My tears was the water that nurtured the seed.
Behold now! the silent iron man that shall begat your doom!
2. (The Murdered)
The dead and buried filled up with festering worms,
the repugnance of a society and it's gallows rope conservatism.
Do they honestly believe that we're still hoodwinked by the lies?,
posturing men of hardened hearts and zero brains,
Only time will tell with their cracking black wings,
the transference of power to the ones that's meek,
the drying of reservoirs that were the tears of our mothers.
I am dead to the whole lot of you.
A shred of humanity you have denied from me.
Nothing matters but the submission to the molochs that be,
So much about beating the system at their own fucking game,
Like Malcolm, Martin and Che....all of them that dared to take the stand,
Dead are the generation that are dry in their tears.
Oh yes...NOW you notice my pain,
To what are the pearls you cast upon my open wounds?,
What is there to gain of your pitying words?,
An open declaration of a coming doom to the whole wide world!,
You might as well be digging my my own dammed grave to the worms!.
And what of emptiness of the hall at where my corpse had laid,
Hushed voices of condescending know it alls that
has analyzed my fallacies,
Why don't YOU take the scalpel o' good doctor of moralities!
And do proceed on to parlay your esteemed findings
to the vast cows of the genteel audience!
For who I do have left now, my friend....
for even you have gone to take the plunge with your knife,
the pain of abandonment like the nails bulging in the heart,
ti's a torment I know all so fucking well.
3. (The Defeated)
The cold breeze for another beginning of the grind,
The fists bleeding from the previous vengeance,
to what broken kingdom I have left to protect?
For here in my defiance I strove to define
Only in the trail of bloodied tears,
I have found I've lost it all.
To what end my anger could bring me to?
To what grave would be the nullification of it all?
For I am lost in my sea of yellowed resentments,
Every second eats away my years of prime,
The only thing that keeps me be,
is the bullet of a sublime martyrdom.
The anger, the beacon that rallied my defiance to all of you,
Here now the flame that now incinerates me whole.
4. (The Undead)
And I am to blind to notice you anymore,
test emergency signals to the flooded despair in my brains,
call not to me, for I have ceased to exist.
And across vast roads and alleyways I have walked
myself to an emptiness,
the beauty of my Father all there for the taking,
Still...dead am I to all that is light.
And under a million labyrinth I feed on the piss and shit,
the respectable all shudder when they see me,
For all they could know, it could be one of their own
they could be dealing with,
And for all mounting failures I cut my soul
for every validation for a sign,
A stray eye that dares to rise and care,
A faint light that calls forth to me,
But alas, alas...for the whole lot of humanity are failures like me.
And don't you all hear the tears that falls in still of night?
Another day wasted for a days revenge,
Another fucked up day of wanting to get even,
Here am I friend, the man you see as the villain,
A shadow at your every party and dinner,
Why do you even bother considering me as alive?
For once there shall be a liberation at the tip of the razor,
One stroke of it all...and all aspirations shall go down in the dirt,
Dead are they dreams you have all killed
Permit me to do this...at least I can go out with style.
1. (The Restored)
Awake suddenly I am....
A breath of the freshest of air to this bloated of corpses,
A sting of newness like dew to open flesh,
the harshness of an ever fluorescent glory blinds me,
How long have I been in this sentence to merit this lease?
How long have I have been forced face down
by forces that wished all but a glory of a love?
At the coldness of abattoirs I am the first to be alive again,
By me is the Man that has made the difference,
deep wounds in His hands says He had payed the price,
To a wretched he says, "Come, and follow Me!"
For what else do I have to lose,
Desperation is the worm that cries for a better life,
This escape from my throne of nails that I have long resided,
Could this all be complete redemption for all my crimes past?
But all this, the motives, the doubts, the guilt,
Still He accepts all that dares to take the plunge,
From the searching pilgrims to criminals eager for a change,
No man is excepted from this greatest of love.
No man... for all humanity in Him is actually deemed precious.
And for all things that were lost are returned a thousandfold,
like spring bloom at the death of an icy winter,
blessing upon blessing, miracle upon miracle,
crippled and torn I was in my mind,
in glory now both in spirit & possessions!
definitely a blessed comeback to all you all shalt behold!,
You had long written me off with you eulogies back then,
Look now, my friends! ....for my finest hour in the hand of my Lord!
And for what good morals, past present & future, have I done
to deserve such a restoration, then?
For up till now, the oldness of flesh comes back like a ghost,
A simple err like the dog that I was,
Pardon to you all if some way offended you,
Still... He's with me, building me more like an impenetrable fortress,
He crowns me with His anointing, He Blesses me with his riches,
A man like me feels he deserve nothing but the dirt he's ought to be buried into,
But still righteous am I in His eyes alone!
For was it His blood that washed it all totally?
Was it all scorn He endured was a totally for your all?
To say we all deserve nothing, that is indeed correct!
But He has already have paid the judgment in full,
In Christ alone, truly liberated is the man that says He believes!
2. (The Resurrected)
For amidst the death there was an open door,
climb across the stairs, here now the hill of the judgment,
for here is the place of my condemnation...
like the common rotten dog that I was.
Perhaps all karmic debt could be settled fair and square.
Yet, Someone has already taken over the proceedings,
Here now he hangs mutilated for we all to see.
And they buried him to be forgotten,
a rock to seal of all known existence,
For what could he do for me?,
It would seem I was as screwed as Him.
But Arise Shine, said a voice,
Here was the Conqueror, scars and all.
Every stripe for every mess up,
Every wound for all the sickness,
Here now before me is the payment in full,
For what do I deserve all this...nothing
Yet He all but died me.
No longer the tears to the midnight sorrows,
No longer the despair like cigarette smokes with negativity,
Washed now I am In Him
Repaid back in full I am in His wealth,
No longer the wretchedness
of scraping my wounds for a pittance
In my place, A God has payed the cost for me,
A clean exoneration to the one that was damned,
For today I now live in Him,
Blessed is the man who is reborn again to His love!
For was it Law and Penance that could turn a man around,
Or was it pure Love that melt the stoniest of all hearts,
For this is decree very alien to most,
The truth that set the most just to shame,
But here now is the missing link to all the questions asked,
the eternal catalyst to the Last Great Revolution,
Abide now in Him, for though all things are possible!
3. (The Victorious)
For bloodied are the hands that toiled,
Dry now the tears that were shed for all that was lost,
Yet in His glory I am forever restored to an infinity,
Tis a wonder that I did not lift a figer to fight for this piece of heaven,
Only One God dared to die for us all,
For I am amongst now the seas of the meek that dareth to dream,
a banner for every man and woman, in pride of His name He is exalted,
roareth the enemy from the ashen of wilderness,
powerless is he, for crushed is the head of this loathsome serpent!
For what end of human power could change this world?
The slyness of tongues, the mightiest of will: the sheer advancement of the human mind,
all this pales in comparison to the glory of our Lord,
a vast cathedral of universe it's finery,
Yet the fury of a thouands sounds it an infinite numbers it surpasses.
For what do you have to question, oh teacher of the world?
These contraptions of self, mere vanities in the piety of religion?
You proclaim your arrogance in your guise of logical wisdom,
As the rest of your Babylon cracks forth to the Revelation.
Abide! Rest! For here is the genious that gets the work done,
For the vastness of His angelic soldiers and architects are pised to their kill,
To speaketh forth in His peace without fear or terror,
Feareth now are the slugs that dare wretch in their deeds of evil!
For no snake or scorpion dares harm me,
The mighty fist of the Son ended all principalities,
Hereth now the land ripe for the taking,
No longer the sweating of bullets for a day longeth dread,
No longer the sting of rejection by world gone cold,
The terror of a death in both the mind and body,
Pure now is the river that were once was blackened blood.
For gone now the hatred bred by the seeds of paranoiac distrust,
nuclear disarmament not by the politics of diplomacy & skill,
a greater revolution far bigger than Marx or Lennon,
a mass melting of hearts to the fires of His Love alone,
a string of bitter pears coming undone now,
washed away are the blackened tears that was our generation's tears,
For who is He.... the man that shall put this coup to action?,
The man that was rejected on your behalf,
The God that died so we shall live again,
To say that it's a fantasy, you have indeed missed the point!
For what end your religion your piety has saved your from the grief?
The tangling noose of condemnation and guilt,
What sense did all the ways of the world bring you too?
For I sayeth now, in all bravery in my Father....
the days cometh now we all knees shall bow!
the meryc and love to a world left to the dogs,
the only hope man has....
For in Him restored now are the broken and dead!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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