First up, to all that bother tuning in, I'd like to apologize for my
long absence of leave. A lot of things happened in this past two months: School,
Fucked Up Drama, Assignments la la la la Bada Bing Bada Boom. Well... it's not
worth harping under the sky about the sheer amount of shit piled up by reality.
But God does loves us much to turn all the crap into things that actually build you.
I actually find absolute truth in this saying: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
It aslos worth nothing to know that I believe in a God and Savior that has took the fall of the
stupid mistakes that I make. That's just enough grace to inspire a mere fuck-up like me
to just walk in His peace and overflow with the Love. Too super-spiritual for ya? Never mind.
All I know is.. he justs makes me glad to be alive.
The recent spate of arrests by the BN fascists does nothing but serve to dig their grave even
further. Even more frustrating is people's over expectant anticipation for high drama on Sept
16th. Yeah, It does do them a bit of discredit, but all in the process of waiting for the right moment to strike. It takes a sheer character of wit and wisdom like Anwar to actually wait
for the right moment to reveal his new opposition cabinet. The enemy wants high drama to
show it's overblown testicullar fortitude to us, the rakyat. hence, the quasi-Gestapo like tactics.
They are just plainly just jumping like monkeys handling a hot piece of cucur pisang. But clearly they are going down.
I actially had the privallage of meeting my friend Jack and his fiancee yesterday for Hari Raya. We generally has a nice talk on esoteric philosophy and made weird jokes. Seriously, Jack has fianlly met the right girl for him. I cannot seriously understand why some people I know bitch and moan the fact that Jack is getting hitched the girl he loves, who just so happens to be Malay, Sure... some of them meet the textbook stereotypes. But personally these people count to be my good friend, one owhich helped me carry my school bag when I was just recovering from my appendics surgery.
Anyways, I leave you all with double whammy poem about this whack times:
1. (a brief note of remembrance)
For I came in with the best expectations,
But here I was in my pool of blood,
The bullets of rejection had done cutting me up,
Was I the victim of my actions?
Or just another number left to dry?
For it was love I had seek all this while,
the slap in the face was the seal of it all.
You could have done me a favor
by sending me to hell,
At least you had mercy...
the best conceit of hypocrisy,
To have let me live to rot
in your accusations and empty guilt.
But what was the motives?
What were the causes?
For was I the examining of social standing
that determined my selection?
To be worth as company so cool, so exotic,
How much substance to be sucked dry
by your pop-culture whoring,
When all the while declaring
you're nothing new under the sun!
For there was nothing more to say,
But the empty futility of your hipster fucking,
Yet I am glad I'm on the outside,
For the depravity of your parties
boasts your emptiness that's big,
Your charms shall fade away the night,
The aftertaste of cigarettes and wine
your prison gruel now,
Thank God I was safe from the whole lot of you.
2. (A Testimonial of Blood & Thunder)
For what can the epitome of MTV-cool
could do to save this country?
The saccharine drugging of the youth
to the emptiness of hypocrisy,
Our leaders take take and take,
The slow cancer of the death of Malaysia,
The innocents die as they are strangled
in slumber.
For you try to shut us up for telling the truth,
The force of your fascism compensating
for marvelous impotence,
A standing ovation for the indifferent classes
for grinding our bones for their tea-time milk.
For are you that damned blind
to think is as good as before?
The easiness of childhood days
that warms the hearts,
The summertime bliss and joy
amidst the silent rot this nefarious color game?
For your silence leaves the gap,
the knives of elected murderers that now
line by our beds,
Wake up, now!
For life is too short to be a dead sea!
For gaze up they sky now, brothers and sisters!
The sun burns ever brighter in His glory now!
For we who believe shall have the change,
What power can these fascists have
against the hand of His grace?
Sick are we of these politics that be!
Sick are we of the lies that justify this oppression!
Like the rising crests of waves
the silence seems almost deafening,
The growing power against all adversity and pain,
Oh, big brother fascist! Your days are indeed,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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