Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Notes In This Here Times (Part 3)

Note: I actually wanted to talk about my take on the state of affairs in Sarawak in my last post.
But I seriously didn't think the rushed nature would be of any justice. So yeah...heres my dua sen regarding this.

The fact is clear even to the most dumbest of idiots living in this here state; that the family economy of old White Beard has done more to stunt any real progress, be it cultural and economical. Sure.... stay home and don't talk about politics. Live your lives in a state of ignorance even a mute would hint at. But te fact stays the same: the systematic plunder of the state by the so-called leaders that be.

It's really amazing at the deafening silence we Sarawakians are making. We bitch and moan about the corruption thats rampant in the corridors of power. But we are also fearful enough to be chicken shit; to quietly take the payoffs by the YB's for them to have you vote for them. You'd think you are fucking brave to actually be smart in your skills of survivalism. But what happens when self interest becomes party to watching everything crash and burn. All the sudden your 'luck' in the hierachy means nothing. Rome is left burning to ashes. And here you are roasting to death in your beds screaming.

Perhaps the notion of not causing is too ingrained are all to genteel Asian psyche. To oblige and be doormat as the thief breaks in and fucks your girl. You suck it up and tell it it's just part of life. You are just scared to speak out in fear of retribution. All the while in your silence the YB's and Wakil Rakyats live of their extravagances on our taxes.

Silence works both ways. It other comforts and consoles. But in this case we comfort ourselves to the resignation to a life thats obviously unfair. It is unfair not because of the how it really is in the world. It is unfair because that the powers that be has made it this way to serve their selfish needs. I have earlier mentioned in my posts that my dear brothers are very much underpaid with only $500. It really astounds me even now that my employers (Lord bless them.) could seriously get away with such travesty. Clearly no system or trade unions is in place to fight for their rights and convince them it is actually a wise investment to pay the workers more. All this talk about the lessening of the percentage of poverty; still the the money all goes to the private parties and vacations of the powerful. They let small hearted capitalists go unchecked (even dealing with them!) with their cruelty. To think it's the same system that teaches nilai bertimbang rasa and berbaik hati in their children's Pendidikan Moral classes. How much telling is their government in their blindness in this matter.

I seriously wish all this was just another bad dream. I really wish this country is as good as what the TV and papers had it out to be. But the truth is the divisions are still as apparent as ever. No matter how much we hire the best graduates from places like Lim Kok Wing to paint a rosy picture about Malaysian life; to those brothers and sisters living on the other side the answer is so fucking obvious. They are pretty much doomed. It would really take a miracle to really get them out of this cycle.

Perhaps it is indeed coming after all....

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