Thursday, November 19, 2009


Dedicated to all the lost souls out there.....

Eyes that betray an emptiness for a thousand miles,
the cigarette that burn to the end of all notion of feeling,
How much you were the bright sun of our lives,
The silent murder of the blackening eclipse,
Circumstance be the bloodied daggers in their hands,
The numbness of our souls be the walls that shut us in.

And you are but a ghost to all,
with blank stare against traffic,
with one broken arm raised for salvation,
You signal the alarm in your defense,
Is there any of us willing to listen,
We with our libraries of conceit and respectability,
We, like you, who are as dead to our own guttural madness.

And to you who roam Stockholm bleeding on the alleyways with abject misery,
warbling old songs like a bird with it's wings hammered to the ground,
With tears you tried to access...
the cold ashes of dreams deferred,
Wasting away to cadaverous LSD parties in Cambridge,
A roman candle burning to the oblivion of all excesses,
'No shelter!' Screamed the radio as the whole the world burns,
Even more so now as we all don the bloodied masks of our politics,
Another pathway to the dream,
Empty sterile clinical white as good as a morgue.

But there perhaps others that are willing to breach it all,
The last man standing against the post modernist jugernaut fueled by litanies of tears,
With fists clenched and heads up high to the blood red skies,
Death be of no consequence to the man that wishes to lose it all,
Indeed he had lost it all,
From hospital corridors of Cheras
to the Elysian Fields of eternity,
No wall keeps us down,
The rusted cage of our own list of personal self hated broken down.
We all wear the new robes to a Greater Righteousness,
The past of our despairs be buried never to return,
We who have now found relevance!
We who have now found closure!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I am surprised. I guess I shouldn't be... considering I should know their inherent pattern of their conceit. A certain local politician's maintainance that ' too many parties may only split the people' hits another nail the the proverbial head. of their wishes for a silent majority for their bidding.

I have said it again, and I shall say it again; these people have no inkling of what democracy is. Their conceit, tempered with the dogmatism of Asian autocracy, decrees that they are the true 'light' of the people; assuming for us the decisions and even intellectual thought so that the powers that be could be consolidated by means of repression. You may say I am drastic for saying this , but the pattern is same everywhere. From a Noam Chomsky anarchist standpoint, every power seeks the legitimize and justify power through every means, be it in unscrupulous means.

To say that we do not need to many political parties is one way saying, in not to many words, 'shut-up and get on with your life.' Every sector of society has their own grouses and needs to be addressed . In this, political parties an special interest organizations are formed to meed the needs ; to even bring about a voice of representation in government. for their individual communities. More than often, political groups are borned of malignant self interest. In view of this, let us strong remind ourselves the true idea of setting up an political party.

I take into task all you practicing politicians and those aspiring to be one the reasons why you are here... I have stated this over and over; that the politician are not over-glorified civil servants privy to any perks of the jobs. YOU are to serve the people, to meet the needs of the Rakyat that has taken their time and effort during election day to elect you. All this in the simple hope of making a difference in the scene. If you are found not doing your job, you might as well go clean away your offices and prepare to go over to another lucrative vocation. For the role of an elected official requires a radical sense of selflessness and sacrifice which even transcends even the rules and regulations of the party itself. For you are not a slave to the politics of the party, but a servant of the people!

And to say tha to many parties may split the people... one cannot simply say that the whole general consensus is united in unformed thought. I suppose its wishful thinking that would make the job easier for them. But alas, it is not the case!
To assume this is a gross miscalculation. for the views of the people are varied and more so reflecting of their individual concerts for their very own situations. Marginalize them and you will get a situation ripe for open revolt. . We have seen how this ignorance had played a part in the forming of Hindraf last year., in which the needs of Indian community was not addressed . In this the right of the individual to voice out and organize is extremely vital, not for protest and revolutions sake but merely the democratic right of the public to inform the government of the needs to be addressed. The government should not fear it as the question of their authority. But simply as a reminder and constructive criticism in which all stands to benefit from it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Note of Encouragement to All

I know things are looking dismal, particularly in the political scene in this here shores.
But I urge you all to be optimistic and move on to the next objective. We are done crying over the spilt milk. We have bickered far too often for our own good. The fight against justice and hatred is still in the air. Let us all fix our eyes to the greater prize.
We can look at the defeat at Bagan Pinang as a bitter pill to be taken. Do not underestimate the tactics of BN. Theirs is an well oiled machine that cynically appeases the populist sentiment. We know dammed well they themselves are only capable in just name checking the crucial issues without actually doing anything in the long run. In this, Pakatan needs to avail themselves in being hands on. No pussy-footing the issue. We want action now!

This also goes to show it is also up to us the voter to take note in what is happening in the world outside. I know you all are discouraged. You should know better not to; for true power lies not at the hands of elected officials. Here is the role of democracy that we are simply ignorant about. It is not, by right of culture, privy to those living in the first world countries; But a general right to all to voice their collective grievances. That is what constitutes to be a working efficient democracy, this privilege we call THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's Time to Re-evaluate!

It’s been something that in my mind for a very long time... Recent events in this here country has very much strengthened this. The notion of the masses being held sway to the movement and the party at the expense of plain common sense is something as old as human fallacy itself. We place our faiths in the party and the men in office, hoping in their hands the rules of class and destiny might be reversed, only to have these dreams crushed blatantly in compromise after compromise. We could have learned, through the passages of human history that the individual man would progress into a being capable of individual though and discernment. Not so, for it would seem time after time we make the same mistake again. The mistake of blind faith towards mere mortals capable of turning to the bad, a mistake all to human in all of us.

Mind you this is not piece I write now in frustration. I cannot really say the recent defeat in Pulau Pinang could attributed to electoral conspiracy or whatnot. But here I give you my earnest take on the general idea of the cult of personality. We pride ourselves in being a democratic nation, of every individual exercising their liberal right in actually having a brain in making the choices that matter. We may pride ourselves in being socialist or conservative. But what are the motives for our beliefs? Does it hit a raw nerve in our psyche or are we simply mesmerized by a leader that oozes populist charisma? In this carries a greater responsibility. We chant the slogans and carry the banners not for the sake in looking fashionably radical but to serve of the greater purpose in bridging the divide between class and individual. It is all a collective effort in which even the party leader could not idly watch by the sidelines. I dare ask them this, if you are for a legit democracy, why are you not out there making a difference?

No political party, be left or right, mainline or opposition have a full say to the matters in the heart. In the core of it every moment desires the better life for every individual. It would only take feeble minded PR people to use populist sentiments such as race and religion to stir up a reaction which would only be detrimental to what is considered positive progress. It is simply another low method of propaganda in which the powers that be in the medieval ages controlled their serfs. The method of divide and conquer which would only fester into cancerous xenophobia. In this, it is wise to read between the lines and know what is concocted and what the plain truth is. What is printed might not be necessarily the full story.

I urge you all now to break off with the nonsense that is partisan tribalism. We would all be clamoring in issues that come time to time, briefly united to fight the common foe. We may also speak of revolutions and change. But where is the resolution? Let it be known that the real players in this system are US, the Rakyat! We do not bow to a political party’s statements and aims or even their covert agendas. This is what constitutes to be the truest form of democracy, where one would be able to make up their minds and voice their agreements or grievances. Yes. We have our idols and leaders. But they too are human. To elevate them to a godlike status is nothing short of a great overstatement. They are here for a time and season. But what matters most is the fundamental aims of fairness, equality and justice amongst all. It is not just something us South East Asians are seeking , but the fundamental right of all.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Open Door?

Batang Ai is up for grabs. No one is doing any speculating for now.But if the rakyat gets their heads together, this might as well be the first crack at the domination of White Beard's BN backed empire. You might as well scoff at the notion. But one never expect miracles until the very defining moment.

Have we been so dammed content being under White Beard's beck and call; all this as he
and his cronies suck whatever resources out for their own financial gains? It is rather amusing
they are confident of their eventual 'win'. But countless Sarawakians cannot be wrong; for
the joke is starting to get old.

It is fair to me to say that Malaysia as a whole is at the crux of unspeakable change that will shakewhatever we are taught to believe. Yes. Peg me as a uncurable optimist. But to stand there and be self-rightiously cynical about things will not amount to shit. It is the old order's culture to keep the young from dreaming big things; to settle for an inferrior immitation of the good life while all the insides of your soul rot away to the state sponsored malaise of fickle gossip-entertainment.

Call me guilty of being a dreamer. If I were a sin in your eyes, i'll definetely take the mantle of being of what you deem a heretic.

How much our local Sarawakian media is trying to paint a rosy picture! Laughable! Ha! How much people like Alfred Jabu would use his stock down-to-earth roots talk to cajole voters from the interior; at times tapping at pantang to perhaps give them the heebie jeebies. The Nietzchian
idea of politics holds sway in the hearts of these hopelessly morally bankcrupt lap dogs. " Give me your votes so I can live on the rakyats federal revenue! " It's ironic it is these types of conservatives who complain and moan of federal welfare as a means of making the people lazy!
Elected slackers in office? Hell yeah!

What one sees in Perak is merely the infantile attempts of dying regime to legitamalize itself. Talk about their profuse sweats of desperation as they scramble for damage control. Even in Kuching town, forces are at play to try to discredit Chong Jien Jen right as a fairly elected representative of the Rakyat. You may accuse of me being in conspiracy theory overdrive. I do not have any smidgen of proof. But ask a man down the street that. It's obvious to us its the very rancid stench of politricks in the air.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good news, for once.

And the brave and righteous fight back.

V Sivakumar, to most, seems to be a man bent desperation. You can say he is trying to break
the democratic process by barring the new BN MB. I shall resprect you stance of taking the middle ground. I have one problem with your argument though... the notion that recent events in Perak were all fruits of democracy is frankly laughable and highly misleading. The BN spin machine has tried tried to paint a picture of Truth prevailing for the sakes of the noble BN party. Wishfull thinking my dear sirs, even a fool could figure the glaring lie behind your PR smiles.

I shall make my stance in this very plain; Sivakumar has gone to the point where he shall not stand for this very obvious contempt the House... the total disrespect of democracy itself; all this by means of money politics and selfish ambitions at the expense of the Rakyat. BN may argue that it's rights as 'legally elected' officials has been demeaned. But it does takes any criminal to try to paint himself as the victim. BN was never the victim. It just so happens that the crook has found himself an oppsotion, what better way for a coward to defend himself by using the time honored 'oppressed do-gooder' ticket!

News of Elizabeth Wong's plight is making it's rounds as the most talked about topics, even here in Sarawak. Instead of giving BN the needed ammo to discredit Pakatan, it has ellicited a surge of sympathy from the public; as well as opening up to them the true nature of BN's running dog tactics of sleaze and corruption. We have seen now how individuals like Khir Toyo try to profess viritue and morality, only to have it back-fire to their faces, even earning ire from their colleagues from the ranks. Such politricks could only carry the proud and conceited far. But in the day, these same people would have to find a dammed good excuse to explain to multitudes who are right now reaching the end of their wanning patience.

Don't mess with us, mr. politician. For we have the right of the to VOTE YOU OUT!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's Not Gonna Work, Bro.

How could you sleep saying all this things,
To say that we should "face the facts"
To let the powers rob us blind,
Making mockery to Law and common sense?

Do we have the right to question question?
To ensure that our vote is not in vain,
be it the left or of the right.
The fact is the MP is supposed to do their job!

So do you'd think we stand by the coup of the eventual defeated,
their ploys to buy the seats of this fair land,
Quantity over the obvious lack of quality,
How much the mark of their dirty politics
will be the shoes that will slam them out!

For they do not have armies to answer to,
But the whole lot of us unwashed,
the Rakyat of the Common Malaysian,
You have brought us down for the very last time,
Hear us! For we will have our redemption!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Perak (Part 2)

Arrogance that would anyone's blood boil.

I can think of any other words to say this; What the fucking deal? The rakyat goes out to the street
to voice their dissent. Text-book brute police force is what they get in return. BN has a shitload of bad pressed heaped on them. For Najib and co. to respond in this manner is not gonna get any sympathy, even from the devil himself!

You'd think for all the talk BN is making of trying to rehabilitate their image will actually come to fruition. Yeah right... such lip-service will only do them in as their actions clearly clash with their supposed ploys to reconcile with us frustrated members of the rakyat. Talk about shooting youself in the foot with you contradicting choice of morals.

As for the four assembymen who chose to seal Perak to it's fate; you'd think you've raked in the moolah as token for your dupilicity and conceit. But are you so shallow to underestimate the rakyat's collective intelligence? A criminal who claims repentance and goes out to do his misdeed again can never be trusted again. In fact he shall be seen with even more suspision, even if he is so brazen enough to claim repentance once again. Call me judgemental, but this is basic human behavior. Those who seriously would want to vote for you again would be either a ignorant or just plain retarded; for no one in their right minds will support pathological liars like you all.

Your treachery may have gotten you the much kick-back for your personal indulgences. But bear in mind, I say it as a matter of plain fact, that you have only served to drive the nails to the coffins of your lofty political goals. No one likes criminals like you, so why should they even remotely entertain the idea of casting the ballot for you?

For let it be known that we. the Malaysian people are not in the mood of bullshit. We are only interested in you, Mr. MP, to serve us; to represent us and our families in our best intrest. To fight not for the privilaged sectors of society but those who do not have your luck of even knowing the basic needs and privilages. YOU are supposed to bridge the divide, not to serve to widen them in the best intrest of the corrupt and greedy. Apparently you need a heart and brain to do your job; not to be mindless drones for the elite to serve their perverse ideals of what they blatantly call the Malaysian Dream.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sad news.

A basic run-down of the crisis so far.

Here's Psalm 37 from the Bible:

1 Don't worry about the wicked. Don't envy those who do wrong.

2 For like grass, they soon fade away. Like springtime flowers, they soon wither.

3 Trust in the LORD and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires.

5 Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.

6 He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.

7 Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

8 Stop your anger! Turn from your rage! Do not envy others-- it only leads to harm.

9 For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the LORD will possess the land.

10 In a little while, the wicked will disappear. Though you look for them, they will be gone.

11 Those who are gentle and lowly will possess the land; they will live in prosperous security.

12 The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance.

13 But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming.

14 The wicked draw their swords and string their bows to kill the poor and the oppressed, to slaughter those who do right.

15 But they will be stabbed through the heart with their own swords, and their bows will be broken.

16 It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and possess much.

17 For the strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the LORD takes care of the godly.

18 Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive a reward that lasts forever.

19 They will survive through hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.

20 But the wicked will perish. The LORD's enemies are like flowers in a field-- they will disappear like smoke.

21 The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers.

22 Those blessed by the LORD will inherit the land, but those cursed by him will die.

23 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives.

24 Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.

25 Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken, nor seen their children begging for bread.

26 The godly always give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing.

27 Turn from evil and do good, and you will live in the land forever.

28 For the LORD loves justice, and he will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever, but the children of the wicked will perish.

29 The godly will inherit the land and will live there forever.

30 The godly offer good counsel; they know what is right from wrong.

31 They fill their hearts with God's law, so they will never slip from his path.

32 Those who are evil spy on the godly, waiting for an excuse to kill them.

33 But the LORD will not let the wicked succeed or let the godly be condemned when they are brought before the judge.

34 Don't be impatient for the LORD to act! Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed.

35 I myself have seen it happen-- proud and evil people thriving like mighty trees.

36 But when I looked again, they were gone! Though I searched for them, I could not find them!

37 Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future lies before those who love peace.

38 But the wicked will be destroyed; they have no future.

39 The LORD saves the godly; he is their fortress in times of trouble.

40 The LORD helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in him.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And justice for all? yes... for ALL.

The articles that has inspired this thread. Here and Here.

Its no secret of our police's standard practice of excessive force. I know there are some of you would be saying that Kugan got what he deserved; that a criminal like him bears no hope of redemption and therefore needs to be eliminated by all means from being a festering cancer in society.

Pardon my french, o rightious one, but I don't see you doing better in your daily life as mere erring humans.

It takes one so conceited in his track record to judge and condemn, so much so he is too dammed blind in acknowledging his own black marks. Attitudes like this bears no difference to the Pharisees in the bible, who in addition to crucifying Christ, were party to the corruption and debauchery of social & political hypocrisy. It negates basic compassion to those, who despite whatever crime or weaknesses, have the basic urge to make something for themselves in the pecking order. This in fact explains why they do the things they do, all this to escape the social order imposed on them by the powers that be. Something that makes no diffrence between those who go legit or dable in crime.

A high flying CEO and petty thief have in common in their pursuit of wealth and happiness. They may even be in agreement to whatever dubiousness in their practices. Which brings into question who is really rightious; everyone is capable to be culpable of any deviant practice. Everyone also have their moments of moral clarity; acts of selfless sacrifice and kindness. To be jaded and make blanket clasifications on which class is the most perverse is callous and immature. If God were to seriously judge humanity for every iota of corruption, it would be really safe to say the boundries of Hell itself would exceed even eternity itself.

Which brings me to the rights of anyone in polide custody. It is the job the police to do their job to protect. How much more a common criminal that needs to plead his case; to be proven guilty or innocent. Is it right for them to have a vigillante shoot-first-ask-questions-later atttitude, terrorising the detainee before they could even present his story to the courts. Again you would say criminals like Kugan don't deserve a chance. But imagine if you were in his shoes; locked up in your skivies and even innocent from whatever charges leveled at you. Would you say its 'justice' if those same cops terrorise you in ways never imagined your easy comfortable universe? Would you say you even deserve a chance?

Let be known that in general, be in local war enforcement and every major war, that violence and terror only serves prolong a viscous resentment that would subsequently explode at the expense of innocent bystanders. In this case, it would only fuel a sense of distrust to the police force, whom I'm very sure has some who are sincerely dedicated in their fight against the every deathly spectre of social chaos. Like it or not, the rakyat in the end depends on a police force to look after them and their children. To manifest their authority in brainless macho violence only serves to plant the black seeds of hatred. If the defenceless could not trust their protector, who else can they trust?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

On Power and The Dangers of Subdivisions

The next piece of the domino shelf falls... its now or never, man!

Let admit this. It is so dammed easy to be swayed by the mainline media. The desperation of the status quo has made it go on the offensive to actually play up small misunderstandings between component parties within PR. Its really funny that BN itself is suffering from its own internal bickering. Yet nothing has been said. It's like a mortally weakened animal attempting to reassuming its dignity by roaring at the enemy. Face it, the amount of damage done by them in years past could not be redeemed by costly PR campaigns at the expence of the rakyat's tax money.

A bit of anecdote:

I was helping cover the SEDC relaunching of the Riverside Majestic and Grand Margerita just weeks ago. It was to be attended by Old White Hairs and his cronies, naturally Riverside went on the extreme in the perperation details. Nothing was left to chance, almost it was to befit someone of royal pedigree. I was really astounded at the attention to detail and prescision; it would have been great that this could have been utilized in the public service works here in this state. For someone important like White Hairs he could have used such influence to command efficientcy of the bueracracy for the rakyat. But itstead it all goes into tactless functions that frankly is made more to kiss ass and nothing more.

Call me naive or being snide. But I really feel political influence in general is just more about comanding the audience at some two-bit corporate function which in most case is more about filling the pockets of the politicians and the corporate sector. Perhaps it needs to be reminded that polticians and corprate entities are SUBJECT TO THE PEOPLE. We vote for the politicians. We make money for the corporations. We have so much so , consciously and unconsciously, went out on the limb to support them by providing the capital for their growth and also their personal luxuries of their CEO's. In fact, we are the real share-holders, making much of their logo. Yet in most cases their lackdaisal attitudes to even the basic human rights of their workers is really common place, giving the the definition of corporations and politicians as a collective of cold hearted individiuals cappable of even the basic human emotions.

March 8th perhaps was a wake-up call to all them. Perhaps they are really daft to the truth that the rakyat has had it up to here with the contradictions and lies funneled forth by the news media (which FYI, has their stock bought by the mainline BN parties). Just this month Kuala Terengannu is now under the Opposition; another death knell to BN. If the Barisan Nasional are keen to reinvent itself, the task that needs to be taken is the complete re-evaluation of the people and the policies. That itself calls for a major make-over; no amount of the verbal professing of reform and that could mirror the realites of total reform.

Bear in mind its not for the sake of electorial figure, rather it for the rakyat themselves. It needs to be noted while most of you would state that there is nothing wrong , underlying racial tesions and festering economic/social decay is the cold fact. You might say it is not your problem and get on with your gentrified lives of privelage but such selfishness would ultimately be the bullet that will hit you in the back. It is funny that in the ideal process of collectivism that every strata of society depends on each other to run the scene. I'd say say once the rot sets in one strata the whole nations will die together in the chaos. The working class needs the elite class and the elite class need the working class. We who blatantly profess to believe in democracy need to know that every member of society is vital to the whole process. Be it the street weeper or the MP, the chain reaction of duty runs the country in its full; bringing a sense of stabilty and income to all.

I'd think the best quote that sums it up is from suprisingly from metal god,Ozzy Osborne; "be good the everyone on your way to the top, because you'd never know you're gonna meet on the way down" True words. For once a nation goes belly up, it's not just the people but everyone, be it scum or king that feels the chop. Selfish elitism serves more as a grounds for fascistic dogmatism. To say that one particualr group is the be overlord for the greater good will only serve divide. There is no real peace and progress in division. At that very case there will be no real cause to even consider ourselves a true nation at all.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Let me say this very frankly.....

Empty feelings like a gutted house in the rain. He looks on in the emptiness of the room. A neatness that mirrors the giant void in life. The silence is frightening. It's just enough to make you squirm in your pants.

Was there any hope in the routine? Go to school, Go to tuition; to serve your role in the system. To deny all dreams and to mutate into some eyeless, earless drone incapable to feel?

It had been same before 1998. The calm around Malaysian soil. All thisvmasking the rot that was to explode like some corpse on a cremation chamber. The sheer abject silence from his peers was all but a plastic mask that hid the gaunt weariness etched by a silent vicious law drawn up in racialist fears and paranoia's. Still none of us stirred.

We just pretty much let it bleed.

We die in our own excess in idleness and pleasure. We all hope it just might kill the pain. To bring us to frontiers beyond loss and rejection. All this as the hypocrisy bleeds the rakyat dry. All this as we secretly crack snide at the outsiders and our fellow "pendatangs".

We fuck ourselves in our own self-righteousness. We think we are better than each.... still the fact remains.... the criminals are still the same.

Silence can be the worst enemy... It's hypocrisy can be the bloody dagger it holds.

Would one stand by, with all our qualifications and status in society to see our working class brothers being stiffed of their wages. To some of you it not your problem; for the screams are oh-so conveniently insulated by the garden walls of our closed world. "It's their problem" we reason. "Why rock the boat?" Perhaps it's really ironic considering that was the same logic taken by most Europeans as they watched the neighbors and friends of Jewish descent herded to the gas chambers, graciously submiting to the Third Reich's rule before following to a path of complicit destruction and guilt.

Question: Have we become so obsessive of our place in the machinery that we forsake our brother's and sister's who are oppressed and deemed not fit the ulterior motives of this hypocrisy.

What makes us so dammed sure that our place in the system would take us far from this nightmare? For corrupt men see no reason in the misdeeds to value the individuality of every single worker. For in their insecurity to find relevance and status they are willing to exploit, exploit and exploit. They use the cliches of friendship and family to motivate in their slavery. Once one ceases to be any use, he/she will be tossed aside like a used condom. to be shunned and ostascised for he simply has no use for the machinery.

So much for your glory now, ye of high repute! For the king and the peasant are of the same blood.

For even the Lord himself is no respector of men.