Empty feelings like a gutted house in the rain. He looks on in the emptiness of the room. A neatness that mirrors the giant void in life. The silence is frightening. It's just enough to make you squirm in your pants.
Was there any hope in the routine? Go to school, Go to tuition; to serve your role in the system. To deny all dreams and to mutate into some eyeless, earless drone incapable to feel?
It had been same before 1998. The calm around Malaysian soil. All thisvmasking the rot that was to explode like some corpse on a cremation chamber. The sheer abject silence from his peers was all but a plastic mask that hid the gaunt weariness etched by a silent vicious law drawn up in racialist fears and paranoia's. Still none of us stirred.
We just pretty much let it bleed.
We die in our own excess in idleness and pleasure. We all hope it just might kill the pain. To bring us to frontiers beyond loss and rejection. All this as the hypocrisy bleeds the rakyat dry. All this as we secretly crack snide at the outsiders and our fellow "pendatangs".
We fuck ourselves in our own self-righteousness. We think we are better than each.... still the fact remains.... the criminals are still the same.
Silence can be the worst enemy... It's hypocrisy can be the bloody dagger it holds.
Would one stand by, with all our qualifications and status in society to see our working class brothers being stiffed of their wages. To some of you it not your problem; for the screams are oh-so conveniently insulated by the garden walls of our closed world. "It's their problem" we reason. "Why rock the boat?" Perhaps it's really ironic considering that was the same logic taken by most Europeans as they watched the neighbors and friends of Jewish descent herded to the gas chambers, graciously submiting to the Third Reich's rule before following to a path of complicit destruction and guilt.
Question: Have we become so obsessive of our place in the machinery that we forsake our brother's and sister's who are oppressed and deemed not fit the ulterior motives of this hypocrisy.
What makes us so dammed sure that our place in the system would take us far from this nightmare? For corrupt men see no reason in the misdeeds to value the individuality of every single worker. For in their insecurity to find relevance and status they are willing to exploit, exploit and exploit. They use the cliches of friendship and family to motivate in their slavery. Once one ceases to be any use, he/she will be tossed aside like a used condom. to be shunned and ostascised for he simply has no use for the machinery.
So much for your glory now, ye of high repute! For the king and the peasant are of the same blood.
For even the Lord himself is no respector of men.
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