Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Indeed we need to stop complaining and take to the streets. For good men do more damage in their silence to engage present situation. As someone once said; ïf you are not turned on to politics, politics will turn on you" To remain placid and still have the gall to complain about it is akin to sitting in a burning house while all the while the door is clearly open.

Perhaps, that is the case... we probably do not know how to act out. Our hearts are still hard and cynical; declaring that it's all messed up and that. It is one thing to make aware the rights of the common the man. But the real battle is in the mind of Malaysians everywhere. True change comes from the heart.

And indeed we are on the brink of that....

For in this times more and more are seeking transparency and relevance in their governments. The people now are coming to a point of not sitting put and carrying on with their lives while society steadily burns to the ground with corporate greed and even more insidious cosumerism rotting out the mind of the masses. Cynics would declare this to be youthful idealism; a flash in the pan instance of youthful rebellion. But friends... DO NOT BE SWAYED. These ideas are God given! For all things from God are exceedinglly good!

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